Random Creativity

Creative stuff I make or think of and need to share with the universe.

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Monday, July 15, 2024

Water Droplets on Water Lilies, and Falling off a Paddleboard

How often do you stop to take in the little things? Like moss growing on a rotting log….a mother bird feeding her twitching, wiggling baby bird? Or busy little ants working in a crack in the sidewalk? I’m often distracted by all of those things. One that is standing out to me right now is the fact that I was paddle boarding by a beautiful water lily and noticed little droplets of water catching the sunlight off of the petals. I turned my head just a little as I went by to have the beauty linger and tipped my paddle board over losing my glasses in the process. The thing is is I’ve been paddle boarding for a couple years now, and the only time I ever fell off was when my oldest son thought to throw me with a huge wave with the jet ski, that was hilarious! This time, I’m not even sure how I ended up tipping over. I got back on my board and tried to find my glasses and a couple minutes later I did the exact same thing twice in a matter of 10 minutes when I hadn’t fallen off in two years, other than the jet ski incident.  I don’t know if it was a fish who kept tipping me or the rudder catching on weeds. It was worth it for the most part. The droplets on the Water Lilly Petals that is, except when I realized later that it would cost $400 to replace my eyeglasses.

My point is, I often stop and look at the little things. I really appreciate my iPhone camera as it does an amazing job at up close photography. It’s nice not to have to carry my big camera everywhere when I can be walking or hiking and something catches my eye and off I go taking 10 pictures of some fungus on a leaf. That’s what my creativity is for today… some of the pictures I’ve taken of the little things in nature enjoy!

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