Random Creativity

Creative stuff I make or think of and need to share with the universe.

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Monday, January 19, 2015

Huh, just realized that it has almost been a year since my last post. That's quite sad because there has been so many creative things to share that are unshared. Well, probably shared them on Pinterest. Ok, I know I pinned a bunch of things on pinterest.

Then I was thinking about doing something fun with the new 2015 Pantone color of the year and it brought me back to my blog where I realized my last post had to do with the 2014 Pantone color of the year.

But what brought me to my blog was a photo I took of a bowl of soup from a recipe I whipped up for lunch today. Super easy and yummy. I've been making a batch of veggie soup since the beginning of the year to have a healthy low Weight Watcher's point option for my noon meal.

Here is my scientific recipe:

Thai Chicken Vegatable Soup Recipe

Swanson's Thai Ginger Broth—32 oz. or so
Frozen Chicken Breast (I used 2 in the batch of soup)
Birds's Eye Stir Fry Thai vegetables frozen including seasoning packet (half bag)
Ka-me Stir Fry Noodles (half-bag)
Trader Joe's Asian Seasoning Dry mix

Just boil the chicken in the broth (I boiled the whole bag of frozen chicken breasts and saved the other 4 breasts for later.)

Removed the cooked chicken, added frozen veggies and seasoning until simmer.  Added back 2 chicken breasts shredded into pieces and the noodles and heated through. Wha-lah! About 5 pts. per large bowl!

Add some hot pepper if you like your Thai Soup Spicy! Enjoy!

I will try to enter more random creativity this year. Even if it's just a blurb. Promise.

I like eating with chop sticks! Slows me down and I feel pretty cool!