Random Creativity

Creative stuff I make or think of and need to share with the universe.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Don't be a Booger!

My mature side almost took over and titled this post "Creative Outlets | Playing with Typography". Then I remembered I wasn't being graded on this so hah! "Don't be a Booger" it is!

One of the things I do to get out of a creative rutt, or to stimulate creativity is taking funny sayings or, eh, ummmm, four letter words* and setting them in different typefaces. Working with the letters to create conflicting emotions with the type. One of my favorites is just taking the word "giggle". Just on it's own is a fun word that makes you smile, but setting it in different fonts creates different reactions to the word for sure! See some I was playing with today.

I think you get the idea.

Then for some reason the phrase, "Don't be a booger!" popped into my head. So I played with it a few times. Seriously, I can spend a ridiculous amount of time on fonts and typography. What a great creative outlet. Myfonts.com is a great resource for font exploration. The great thing is that you can type in your own word or phrase, select a typestyle category or an adjective tag to search categories and Myfont.com generates a list of fonts, sets your choice word or phrase and whoolah! Bring on the fun!
Actually, I've been billable doing this before as it helps me work through new logo font ideas for companies etc. If I don't have the font, before I invest in it's purchase, I can see if it suits my project. Which brings me back to my title, "Don't be a booger!" I think it would make a great t-shirt design or a bumper sticker if you are in to that kind of thing. Hey a coffee mug also! TileSmile on Etsy.com would make a cute tile out if it for sure! Maybe she already has!


*See below for fun with a four letter word. Don't peek if you have kids with you. But fun none-the-less. Heck, I can see a latte mug with one of these type executions now also.

OK. Not that horrible of a four letter word. But still!

1 comment:

  1. Funny blog, the giggle I thought was oh so cute, the don't be a booger made me giggle and the sh&t made me LOL! I LUV it!!!
